Source Themes

Neural prior for trajectory estimation

**CVPR 2022**

Argoverse 2: next generation datasets for self-driving perception and forecasting

**NeurIPS Track Datasets and Benchmarks 2021**

Neural scene flow prior

**NeurIPS 2021 (spotlight)**

PointNetLK revisited

**CVPR 2021 (oral)**

Scene flow from point clouds with or without learning

**3DV 2020 (oral)**

Implicit surface representations as layers in neural networks

**ICCV 2019**

Image2Mesh: a learning framework for single image 3D reconstruction

**ACCV 2018**

Learning free-form deformations for 3D object reconstruction

**ACCV 2018**

Compact model representation for 3D reconstruction

**3DV 2017**

Two-stage facial age prediction using group-specific features

**ICASSP 2017**